
Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 : AJAX-Enabled Web Services - Implementing the AJAX Paradigm

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7/19/2011 4:49:18 PM
According to the AJAX paradigm, Web applications work by exchanging data rather than pages with the Web server. An AJAX page sends a request with some input arguments and receives a response with some return values. The code in the client browser orchestrates the operation, gets the data, and then updates the user interface. From a user perspective, this means that faster roundtrips occur and, more importantly, page loading is quicker and the need to refresh the page entirely is significantly reduced.

As a result, a Web application tends to look like a classic desktop Microsoft Windows application. It is allowed to invoke server code from the client and run and control server-side asynchronous tasks, and it features a strongly responsive and nonflickering user interface.

Moving Away from Partial Rendering

Partial rendering replaces classic full postbacks with partial postbacks that update only a portion of the requesting page. An AJAX postback is more lightweight than a full postback, but a drawback is that the AJAX postback is still a request that moves view state, event validation data, and any other input fields you might have around the page. Also, the AJAX postback is still a request that goes through the full server-side page life cycle. It differs from a regular ASP.NET postback only because it has a custom rendering phase and, of course, returns only a portion of the whole page markup. Put another way, an AJAX postback is definitely faster and much more beneficial than regular postbacks, but it’s still subject to a number of constraints. And, more importantly, it doesn’t fit just any scenario. To fully enjoy the benefits of AJAX, we have to move past partial rendering and rewrite our applications to use full-fledged behind-the-scenes asynchronous communication and user interface updates.

The Flip Side of Partial Rendering

This isn’t to suggest that partial rendering is inherently bad or wrong. There are two opposite forces that apply to the Web. One is the force of evolution signified by AJAX that is geared toward the adoption of new technologies and patterns. The other is the force of continuity that tends to make things evolve without disrupting the neat flow from past to present. In the case of AJAX, the force of continuity is exemplified by ASP.NET partial rendering.

With ASP.NET partial rendering, there’s nothing really new architecturally speaking. It’s just the same ASP.NET model revamped through a set of tricky solutions that make page rendering smarter and, more importantly, limited to the fragments of the page that really need a refresh.

Partial rendering has inherent limitations and should be considered a short-term solution for adding AJAX capabilities to legacy applications. This said, we can’t ignore that a significant share of today’s Web applications just need a bit of facelift to look better and run faster. In this regard, partial rendering is the perfect remedy.

The ASP.NET AJAX Emerging Model

The ASP.NET application model based on postback and view state is, technologically speaking, probably a thing of the past. Of course, this doesn’t mean that thousands of pages will be wiped out tomorrow and that hundreds of applications must be rewritten in the upcoming months. More simply, a superior model for Web applications is coming out that is more powerful, both technologically and architecturally, and able to serve today’s demand for enhancing and enriching the user experience.

The AJAX emerging model is based on two layers—a client –application layer and a server –application layer. The –client layer sends requests to the –server layer and the server layer sends back responses. Server endpoints are identified through URLs and expose data feeds—mostly JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data streams—to the client. The –server layer is only a façade that receives calls and forwards them to the business layer of the application. Figure 1 depicts the entire model.

Figure 1. The ASP.NET AJAX emerging model for Web applications

Let’s drill down a bit more in the client layer and –server layer of true AJAX applications for the ASP.NET platform.

Designing the –Client Layer of an ASP.NET AJAX Application

The –client layer manages the user interface and incorporates the presentation logic. How would you code the presentation logic? Using which language or engine? And using which delivery format? For the client layer to really be cross-browser capable, you should use JavaScript and HTML. However, by using JavaScript and HTML you can hardly provide the innovative, immersive, and impressive user experience that many categories of applications loudly demand.

Limits of JavaScript

JavaScript was not designed to back up the presentation logic of Web pages. Originally, it was a small engine added to one of the first versions of Netscape Navigator with the sole purpose of making HTML pages more interactive. Today, it is being used for more ambitious tasks, but it’s still nearly the same relatively simple engine created a decade ago.

JavaScript is an interpreted, dynamic-binding, and weakly-typed language with first-class functions. It was influenced by many languages and was designed to look like a simpler form of Java so that it would be easy to use for nonexpert Web page authors.

Worse yet, JavaScript is subject to the browser’s implementation of the engine. The result is that the same language feature provides different performance on different browsers and might be flawed on one browser while working efficiently on others. This limitation makes it difficult to write good, cross-browser JavaScript code and justifies the love/hate relationship (well, mostly hate) that many developers have with the language.

Enriching JavaScript

When you move towards AJAX-based architectures, you basically move some of the workload to the client. But on the Web, the client is the browser and JavaScript is currently the sole programming option you have. How can you get a richer and more powerful JavaScript?

At the end of the day, JavaScript has two main drawbacks: it is an interpreted language (significantly slower than a compiled language) and is not fully object oriented. Extending JavaScript is not as easy and affordable as it might seem. Being so popular, any radical change to the language risks breaking a number of applications. But, on the other hand, radical changes are required to meet the upcoming challenges of AJAX.

There exists a proposed standard for JavaScript 2.0 that is discussed in a paper you can download at And at, you can read Brendan Eich’s considerations regarding the feature set in JavaScript 2.0. (Brendan Eich is the inventor of the language.)

It is key to note that the proposed standard is intended, among other things, to achieve better support for programs assembled from components and packaged. Time will tell, however, if and how JavaScript will undergo a facelift. As a matter of fact, from the AJAX perspective JavaScript is at the same time a pillar of the Web but also one of its key bottlenecks.

Using ad hoc libraries (for example, the Microsoft AJAX library) and widgets (for example, Dojo, Gaia), you can mitigate some of the JavaScript development issues and still deploy richer applications. Honestly, there’s not much you can do to improve the performance of heavyweight JavaScript pages.

The real turning point for empowering the Web presentation layer is Silverlight 2.0. Silverlight is a cross-platform browser plug-in that brings a fraction of the power of the common language runtime (CLR) and.NET Framework to the browser, including support for managed languages.

Limits of the HTML Markup Language

Today’s Web pages use HTML to express their contents. But what’s HTML, exactly? Is it a document format? Or is it rather an application delivery format? Or is it none of the above? If you look back at the origins of the Web, you should conclude that HTML is a document format designed to contain information, some images and, more importantly, links to other documents.

Today, we use HTML pages with tables, cascading style sheet (CSS) styles, and lots of images for the pictures they contain and to add compelling separators and rounded borders to otherwise ugly and squared blocks of markup. If you’re looking for a document format, HTML is outdated because it lacks a number of composing and packaging capabilities that you find, for example, in the Microsoft Office Open XML formats. If you’re looking for an application-delivery format, HTML lacks a rich layout model, built-in graphics, and media capabilities.

Just as for JavaScript, though, getting rid of HTML is not a decision to make with a light heart because HTML is popular and used in a wide variety of applications (not just Web pages). Embedding richer content in a thin HTML wrapper might be a good compromise. And, again, Silverlight with its full support for the XAML language and the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) engine is the real turning point.

What About AJAX-Specific Controls?

The programming model of ASP.NET pages based on server controls gained wide acceptance and proved to be quite helpful in the past. How are server controls affected by the aforementioned limitations of JavaScript and HTML, and what’s the impact of Silverlight on them?

All in all, server controls are orthogonal to JavaScript, HTML, and even Silverlight. Server controls are the programming tools used to generate the delivery format of the application. They can generate HTML as well as XAML (eXtended Application Markup Language, which is the language of Silverlight), and they can support JavaScript as well as Silverlight or managed languages.

Today, a number of commercial products exist to take the user interface of Web applications to the next level. They are all made of a collection of rich and smart server controls that generate HTML and JavaScript. This is to say that it’s not by using Telerik or ComponentArt or Infragistics that you work around the issues that slow down the implementation of the AJAX paradigm in the today’s Web. Rather, more is required.

A set of lower level tools is required to enlarge the browser’s capabilities. This can be obtained in two ways: new browser technology or cross-platform browser extensions (for example., plug-ins). The first option is a utopian plan that would take years to be effective. The second option is what you get with Silverlight.

Designing the –Server Layer of ASP.NET AJAX Applications

There are situations in which the partial-rendering model is not appropriate and other situations in which it is just perfect. When the client requires that a specific operation be executed on the server with no frills and in a purely stateless manner, you should consider options other than partial rendering. Enter remote server method calls.

Making a call to a remote server requires that a public, well-known application programming interface (API) be exposed and made accessible from JavaScript or whatever other programming technology you have available in the browser (for example, Silverlight).

As Figure 1 shows, the –server layer of an AJAX application is made of services. But which services?

A Service-Oriented –Server-Side Architecture

The –server layer is easy to devise. It is made of services, and on the ASP.NET platform this can only mean XML Web services or WCF services. Hold on, though. You should take the preceding statement literally because the involvement of XML Web services might take you in the wrong direction.

In the context of ASP.NET AJAX, XML Web services are instrumental to the definition of a public, contract-based API that JavaScript (or Silverlight) code can invoke. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you can call just any WS-* Web services from an AJAX client. In the context of ASP.NET AJAX, I suggest you think of Web services as a sort of application-specific façade to expose some server-side logic to a JavaScript (or Silverlight) client.

To be invoked from within an ASP.NET AJAX page, the remote service must meet a number of requirements, the strictest of which relate to the location of the endpoint and underlying platform. AJAX-enabled services must be hosted in the same domain from which the call is made. This means that a Web service must be an ASP.NET XML Web service (an .asmx endpoint) and must be hosted in an IIS application on the same Web server as the ASP.NET application.

From the client, you can’t just call any Web services on Earth regardless of location and platform. This is a security measure; not a technical limitation.

In summary, there are three ways to define services for the –server layer of an ASP.NET AJAX application:

  • ASP.NET XML Web services with an .asmx endpoint

  • WCF services with an .svc endpoint

  • Page methods with an .aspx endpoint defined on the same page that calls them


The term “service” is a bit overused and often abused. In AJAX, a service indicates a piece of code that is local to the application (resident on the domain of the application) and exposes functionalities to the client. In the end, services used by AJAX applications tend not to use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to communicate (they use JSON) and are not necessarily autonomous services in the service-oriented architecture (SOA) sense. They are instead bound to the platform and the domain where they’re hosted. Based on this, they can hardly be called WS-* Web services or SOA services.

REST Services

The ideal service for AJAX applications is centered around the idea of data and resources to expose to Web clients. It is reachable over HTTP and requires that clients use URLs (and optionally HTTP headers) to access data and command operations. Clients interact with the service using HTTP verbs such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Put another way, the URL represents a resource and the HTTP verb describes the action you want to take on the resource. Data exchanged in those interactions is represented in simple formats such as JSON and plain XML, or even in syndication formats such RSS and ATOM.

A service with these characteristics is a Representational State Transfer (REST) service. For more information on the definition of REST, have a look at the original paper that describes the vision behind it. You can find it at the following URL:

Microsoft is currently working on a new generation of data services for the ASP.NET platform that fully embodies REST principles. Such data services are slated to be part of the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, which is scheduled to ship sometime in 2008. Meanwhile, you can get the flavor of it using the latest Community Technology Preview (CTP) of the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions toolkit.

Data Serialization

Needless to say, the communication between browser and remote services occurs over the HTTP protocol. But what about the content of the packets? An AJAX call consist of some data that is passed as arguments to the invoked service method and some data that is returned as the output. How is this data serialized?

The common serialization format that can be understood on both ends is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). You can learn more on syntax and purposes of JSON at

JSON is a text-based format specifically designed to move the state of an object across tiers. It is natively supported by JavaScript in the sense that a JSON-compatible string can be evaluated to a JavaScript object through the JavaScript eval function. However, if the JSON string represents the state of a custom object, it’s your responsibility to ensure that the definition of the corresponding class is available on the client.

The ASP.NET AJAX network stack takes care of creating JSON strings for each parameter to pass remotely. On the server, ad hoc formatter classes receive the data and use .NET reflection to populate matching managed classes. On the way back, .NET managed objects are serialized to JSON strings and sent over. The script manager is called to guarantee that proper classes referenced in the JSON strings—the Web service proxy class—exist on the client. The nicest thing is that all this machinery is transparent to programmers.

The JSON format describes the state of the object as shown here:

{"ID"="ALFKI", "Company":"Alfred Futterkiste"}

The string indicates an object with two properties—ID and Company—and their respective, text-serialized values. If a property is assigned a nonprimitive value—say, a custom object—the value is recursively serialized to JSON.


For years, XML has been touted as the lingua franca of the Web. Now that AJAX has become a key milestone for the entire Web, XML is pushed to the side in favor of JSON as far as data representation over the Web is concerned. Why is that?

Essentially, JSON is slightly simpler and more appropriate for the JavaScript language than XML. Although it might be arguable whether JSON is easier to understand than XML for humans—this is just my thought, by the way—it is certainly easier than XML for a machine to process. No such thing as an XML parser is required for JSON. Everything you need to parse the text is built into the JavaScript language. JSON is also less verbose than XML and less ambitious too.

JSON is not perfect either. The industrial quantity of commas and quotes it requires makes it a rather quirky format. But can you honestly say that XML is more forgiving?

With JSON, you also gain a key architectural benefit at a relatively low cost. You reason in terms of objects everywhere. On the server, you define your entities and implement them as classes in your favorite managed language. When a service method needs to return an instance of any class, the state of the object is serialized to JSON and travels over the wire. On the client, the JSON string is received and processed, and its contents are loaded into an array, or a kind of mirror JavaScript object, with the same interface as the server class. The interface of the class is inferred from the JSON stream. In this way, both the service and the client page code use the same logical definition of an entity—or, more precisely, of the entity’s data transfer object (DTO).

It goes without saying that, from a purely technical standpoint, the preservation of the data contract doesn’t strictly require JSON to be implemented. You could get to the same point using XML as well. In that case, though, you need to get yourself an XML parser that can be used from JavaScript.

Parsing some simple XML text in JavaScript might not be an issue, but getting a full-blown parser is another story completely. Performance and functionality issues will likely lead to a proliferation of similar components with little in common. And then you must decide whether such a JavaScript XML parser should support things such as namespaces, schemas, whitespaces, comments, and processing instructions.

As I see it, for the sake of compatibility you will end up with a subset of XML limited to nodes and attributes. At that point, it is merely a matter of choosing between the “angle brackets” of XML and the “curly brackets” of JSON. Additionally, JSON has a free parser already built into the JavaScript engine—the aforementioned function eval.

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